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January 23, 2004
Lance Armstrong to headline Tour de Georgia
Lance Armstrong to ride in Tour de GeorgiaLance Armstrong will be riding in the Tour de Georgia, from April 20-25th. The tour's site hasn't been updated yet, but Armstrong's agent 'confirmed Thursday that America's most famous cyclist will lead the USPS team' in the Tour's second edition.
Dodge was confirmed as the Tour sponsor earlier this week, and the race route should be finalized in the next week or so.
From memory, it will be Armstrong's first race in Georgia since the 1996 Olympics, just before the discovery of his testicular cancer.
Update: Here's the story from the Macon Telegraph, which notes it will be the only North American race for Armstrong during his Tour prep.
Posted by Frank Steele on January 23, 2004 in Lance Armstrong 2004, Tour news | Permalink
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