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June 01, 2004
Graham on Gilberto's Giro
GrahamWatson.com | Graham's View
Graham Watson eats a little crow in his weekly column, where he had predicted Gilberto Simoni would take the Giro, and spends the rest of the column wondering how Simoni's breakdown came to be:
The questions are: did Simoni come to the Giro at 80% of his best form, hoping that he'd win anyway? Did he come to the Giro believing he was in the best of form - and that winning was a near-certainty, given the apparent lack of opposition? Or did he deliberately start the race with the knowledge that he was saving his best for the Tour in July? Whichever answer you opt for, the fact is that Simoni was a bitterly disappointed man in Milan last Sunday, and will want to re-assert his supremacy within his team and within cycling by leading the climbing challenge in the Tour. But can he?
I guess we'll see in July.
Posted by Frank Steele on June 1, 2004 in Gilberto Simoni, Giro d’Italia | Permalink
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