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July 01, 2004

The Devil goes down to Belgium?

PezCycling News | The DEVIL: PEZ-Clusive Interview!

PezCycling catches up with Didi Senft, the German who shows up at races and gets more publicity than some of the riders. Last year, in honor of the Centenary Tour, he went a little overboard and set up a number of scenes along the course.

He's been chasing the riders in that costume since 1993. Strangely, he keeps the same costume, but changes pitchforks depending on the event.

Senft is also a bicycle-mad inventor, and holds the record for the world's largest rideable bicycle.

Didi was featured (on tape) on Craig Kilborn's Late Late Show on CBS last night, as part of his "This Just In" segment.

Posted by Frank Steele on July 1, 2004 in About the Tour, The Tour Devil | Permalink


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