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June 29, 2005

Daily Peloton previews GC candidates

Daily Peloton | Tour de France: Jambon Preview

One of the most entertaining web Tour de France reports is The Daily Peloton's Jambon Report, where they award their Golden Hams and Ham-gazers to the riders who ruled and drooled, respectively, during the day's stage.

Today, Locutus has their GC preview up. Some highlights: he thinks Chris Horner "is the team leader, and the team just doesn't know it yet", expects Brad McGee to take the prologue-that's-not-really-a-prologue on Saturday, and thinks Ullrich will lose serious time on the first major mountain stage, as he does every year.

Posted by Frank Steele on June 29, 2005 in Alejandro Valverde, Alexandre Vinokourov, Andreas Klöden, Bradley McGee, Cadel Evans, Chris Horner, Denis Menchov, Floyd Landis, Iban Mayo, Ivan Basso, Jan Ullrich, Lance Armstrong, Levi Leipheimer, Michael Rogers, Roberto Heras, Santiago Botero | Permalink


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Hey, could you bump the Volleyball Butt ad up to the top of the page, "above the fold?" I have to keep scrolling down to see it. Thanks.

Posted by: Dawg at Jun 29, 2005 12:10:59 PM

So this year the excitment is really starting to build, (at least in my home). It will be intresting to watch Chris Horner in his first tour de france. I mostly follow the pro cyclists so I don't know that much about Horner although this year I have seen him on OLN several times.

Tour Guy ....

Posted by: Tour Guy at Jun 29, 2005 5:56:09 PM

They don't call Horner the mouth for nothing. If he talks with his legs, great, but I suspect he's going to get popped.

Posted by: -b- at Jun 29, 2005 10:15:57 PM

What does GC mean????

Posted by: Jim at Jul 14, 2006 9:09:35 PM

Jim, "GC" is for "General Classification," the race for the yellow jersey or the overall race win.

Posted by: Frank at Jul 14, 2006 9:15:21 PM

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