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June 26, 2005

“Lance Armstrong's War” reviews

Daniel Coyle's new biography of Lance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong's War, is reviewed in a few newspapers today:

IHT.com | Reviewed by Samuel Abt

NYTimes.com | Bike Race as Psychological Battle: Armstrong Against the World

AJC.com | Armstrong a spiteful, special cyclist

Houston Chronicle | Cycle of fame: Former Outside magazine editor delivers behind-scenes bio of Lance Armstrong, minus myths

The first web review I saw was over at Operation Gadget: "Start Reading 'Lance Armstrong's War'"

Also from the blog world: this from Infectious Greed.

I've finished a quick runthrough, and liked it a lot. I would have read it no matter what, of course, but the author, Daniel Coyle, is responsible for a lot of the articles that have kept me a subscriber to Outside Magazine over the last few years. His book winds up being about the whole solar system surrounding Planet Lance; I feel like I learned more about the psychology that drives Tyler Hamilton, Floyd Landis, and Michele Ferrari than about Armstrong's mindset, but Armstrong has never exactly been an open book.

I'll try to have a full review of my own later this week.

Booknoise.net | The book's official (and quite comprehensive) site

Posted by Frank Steele on June 26, 2005 in Books, Lance Armstrong | Permalink


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