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June 30, 2005
NPR talks to “Lance Armstrong's War” author Daniel Coyle
NPR | "Lance Armstrong's War": Driven to Win
NPR's Alex Chadwick did nearly 8 minutes on-air with Daniel Coyle, author of the new biography, Lance Armstrong's War. The link above takes you to a page where you can listen to the interview in RealPlayer or Windows Media Player.Some good bits: A friend told Coyle he saw Dr. Michele Ferrari in Girona in March, long after Armstrong reportedly ended his relationship with the controversial Italian sports doctor. Styled “Dr. Evil” in Coyle's book, Ferrari had the apartment upstairs from Coyle in Girona while he researched the book.
He also talks about Armstrong's “Achilles Hip”: Coyle's book recounts how Armstrong's right hip and lower back locked up before last year's Tour, and his chiropractor snapped his hip back into place (with an audible crack!). Armstrong got up, headed out, and never again mentioned it. That was a scene that shot through my mind when I heard about Armstrong's training crash last week.
Asked whether Armstrong will win again this year, Coyle says this year's Tour “is Lance against Lance.”
VeloNews.com | War correspondent: An interview with Dan Coyle
Sebastian Moll also talked to Coyle:
VeloNews: So, after nearly a year trying to figure it out, maybe we should start with the central question in your book: What is it that drives Lance Armstrong?Dan Coyle: It's the fight. He loves to fight and he loves to win. And he doesn't want to win by a small margin, he wants to dominate. It's a drive that motivates him in every aspect of his life.
Posted by Frank Steele on June 30, 2005 in Books, Lance Armstrong, Top Stories | Permalink
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