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March 20, 2006

Hamilton promises to sit out Boulder criterium series

VeloNews.com | Hamilton quits Boulder race series after UCI, USAC threaten action

Biking blogs coast-to-coast have been up in arms that UCI muscled up on USA Cycling, which notified member clubs that no suspended rider is to appear in an unsanctioned event.

The reason: suspended Tyler Hamilton has been sponsoring (through the Tyler Hamilton Foundation) and racing (with photos) in a local race series that's been going on for more than 10 years.

Since it's an unsanctioned event, however, USA Cycling has no real authority over the race. They can, however, take action against the suspended cyclist, and others who race with him, and reminded racing clubs that riders could be suspended 1 month per unsanctioned event.

Best quote in favor of Hamilton racing:

NO, the Stazio crit series is a practice series. They will take any invalid liscense (sic). No upgrade points are avaliable, prizes are minimal but so are entries. Its a practice race. Its not UCI, USCF or even local ACA. In fact, its a benifit (sic) race. 5$ per racer goes to the TH foundation.

Tyler may be a doper but he's at least turning this break in his career into an oppritunity (sic) to help the community.

Hamilton's gotten a lot of support on his website's forum, with many people saying USA Cycling should grant an exemption since Stazio is a charity ride (money goes back to the THF).

Others can't believe that participants shared photos with cyclingnews.com. At least one set of photos (Google cache) from the race has been marked private at Flickr.

Best quote against Hamilton's participation:

The organizers of this particular event though did indeed thumb their noses at all of the anti-doping regulations by letting Tyler compete. This whole thing probably would not have happened if they had shown some respect for the anti-doping cause in general.

Apparently, Hamilton and USA Cycling have come to an informal arrangement that Hamilton won't race in unsanctioned events, and USA Cycling will continue to ignore the possible participation of other licensed riders in this and other similar events.


rec.bicycles.racing | Les Earnest, HELP!

Posted by Frank Steele on March 20, 2006 in Doping, Tyler Freaking Hamilton | Permalink


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