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June 16, 2006

French ask Spanish to release Operacion Puerto names

Canada.com | Minister asks Spain to release names of athletes implicated in doping probe

France's Minister for Sports has asked his Spanish counterpart to release the names of riders suspected of involvement in a Madrid doping ring before July's Tour de France.

Jean-Francois Lamour asked Jaime Lissavetzky to step in to accelerate the process, so the Tour could “go ahead in total transparency. That is to say with people who cannot be suspected of having benefited from these transfusions.”

The Spanish press has reported that investigators have a list of as many as 200 riders collected from the lab run by Eufemiano Fuentes, as well as about that many bags of refrigerated blood.

Posted by Frank Steele on June 16, 2006 in Doping | Permalink


A little bit out of topic but my congratulations on the French victory over Spain in todays match of 1/8 Final!!!!!

Posted by: French translator at Jun 27, 2006 6:18:24 PM