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June 05, 2006

Ullrich: Less than 2 years to retirement

Yahoo! Sport | Ullrich to retire within two years

T-Mobile's Jan Ullrich, winner of the 1997 Tour de France and five-time runner-up, says he's unlikely to ride more than 2 more seasons.

Ullrich, 32, told German TV channel ZDF “Maybe I can ride for another one or two years if I am still motivated.” Motivation has long been a question for Ullrich, who seems to enter every season 10-20 pounds overweight, then manages to hit a high performance peak in time for the Tour.

As for this year's Tour, Ullrich said he's taking the win:

"Anything other than a victory will be a huge disappointment," added Ullrich Sunday.

Posted by Frank Steele on June 5, 2006 in Jan Ullrich | Permalink


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