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October 09, 2006

Landis taking the offensive

USAToday.com | Landis lays out probable defense, claims doping lab work was sloppy

Embattled 2006 Tour champion Floyd Landis has shared his defense presentation with USA Today, and plans to post more than 300 pages of his defense to FloydLandis.com this week (Landis has himself said it will go up on Thursday).

Sal Ruibal of USA Today says the Landis testimony claims the WADA lab test showed inconsistent numbers, with the original number being covered by correction fluid and the number for Landis filled in. This would appear to contravene WADA procedures, which require corrections to be struck through and initialed.

Landis also maintains that only one of four testosterone metabolites were above acceptable levels, and that all four must be to support a positive doping finding.

Loads more at TrustButVerify, including links to comments by Landis at DailyPeloton's forums.

Posted by Frank Steele on October 9, 2006 in Doping, Floyd Landis, Tour de France 2006 | Permalink


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what all of this looks like is that landis is playing not to win, but to create enough fear, uncertainity and doubt in the public mind that he will continue to have some reputation and source of income after he is finally found guilty and banned.

Posted by: fmk at Oct 13, 2006 8:20:55 AM