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June 28, 2007

Piepoli also facing investigation

CNN.com | Piepoli, Petacchi in doping probe

Saunier Duval's Leonardo Piepoli initial “non-negative” finding from the Giro d'Italia came back alongside Alessandro Petacchi's and Iban Mayo's.

Like Petacchi, Piepoli tested positive for salbutamol, with some reports quoting a level of 1800 nanograms/milliliter, about one-third higher than Petacchi's.

Like Petacchi, he'll speak with an investigator from the Italian Olympic Committee about his Adverse Analytical Finding next week. He was left off Saunier Duval-Prodir's Tour squad.

Posted by Frank Steele on June 28, 2007 in Doping, Leonardo Piepoli | Permalink


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