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July 19, 2007
Can't a guy get a little privacy?

Q: How do riders pee during a long stage of the Tour? A: Like this.,
originally uploaded by mathowie.
With widespread DVR use, somebody was bound to capture the mistake, and credit to Matt Haughey with the quick Tivo finger. At least it didn't air on German TV -- they might not be able to handle this.
Look for this one on the Rollastrator tonight, with circles and arrows and a paragraph explaining what each photo is.
Posted by Frank Steele on July 19, 2007 in 2007 Stage 10, Television | Permalink
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Just to be clear, it wasn't a quick frame grab on my TiVo, I was actually watching the race in real-time and noticed the Duvals rider swing out from the pack and I thought "huh, wonder what's up with that guy to break the line" and suddenly he starts pulling up his jersey and then down the shorts go and you see what I captured here for another 2-3 seconds before they cut away.
I froze it to get the most revealing shot, but definitely anyone that was watching it saw it that day.
Posted by: Matt Haughey at Jul 24, 2007 1:31:13 AM