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July 30, 2007

Rabobank to investigate Rasmussen ouster; rider feels robbed

IHT.com | Sponsor says it will investigate Rasmussen's ouster from Tour de France

cyclingnews.com | Dismayed Rasmussen speaks

Rabobank says it will investigate the ouster of Michael Rasmussen from its Tour squad, but also committed to continuing its team sponsorship.

Rasmussen, for his part, told Danish television that he feels he was “robbed of the Tour de France victory.”

Rasmussen refused to provide evidence to corroborate his claim that he was in Mexico when RAI TV commentator Davide Cassani says he saw the rider training in the Dolomites, in Italy:

“Well, what I am saying is that now we have to see what the [legal] case brings and we will take it from there.”

And why would a team, with the biggest victory in cycling in its grasp, desert an innocent rider that they had vigorously defended through two weeks of questioning?

Rasmussen suggested that the pressure from Tour organizers finally wore down team director Theo de Rooy:

“There is no doubt that he has been under enormous pressure and he has been accused of many things during the Tour,” said Rasmussen. “At some point his façade cracked and he made this decision.”

Rasmussen also said that if there were a chance for him to ride in next year's Tour, he would take it.

Posted by Frank Steele on July 30, 2007 in Michael Rasmussen, Top Stories, Tour de France 2007 | Permalink


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In Denmark theres huge support for Michael Rasmussen, lots are protesting against the treatment of Michael by the DCU (Danish Cycling association).
The Danes demand that it becomes public who are with warnings in the tour this year, and on the Danish national cycling team.

Especially the protest is against the DCU chairman, Mr. Jesper Worre, who leaked the confidential information when Michael Rasmussen was in the yellow jersey.

All circumstances point at a personal vendetta against Michael Rasmussen, and the danes demand full insight of the case - since we feel that he has been convicted for doping based on rumors and not facts. Mr. Rasmussen was tested before and during the Tour, and none of them turned out to be positive.

The ASO put pressure on Rabobank manager to dismiss Rasmussen. Based on what an Italian commentator said that he met Rasumssen in Italy, when Rsmussen said he was in Mexico. Tho the aftermath points in the direction that Mr. Cassani was mixing up his dates.

T-shirts can be bought with the text "Michael Rasmussen, The real winner of Tour de France 2007 - and thats FINAL!". Lots of people have signed petitions and it is all driven by people who are active members of the danish blog community.

We, the danes, feel that Michael Rasmussen is the real winner of the tour 07, and was robbed his victory.

If you want more information, you can contact the major danish tv network TV2 at www.tv2.dk they will be able to supply you with more information on this.

Posted by: Carsten Lind at Jul 31, 2007 7:40:15 PM

I don't understand the problem here. If Michael Rasmussen travelled to Mexico as he claimed, he wopuld have to have:
1. Booked an air ticket - he certainly didn't ridse there
2. Gone through Immigration control in Mexico (is there a visa requirement)
3. Stayed somewhere
Surely all he had to have done was produce any of the above to his team management and they would, I'm sure, happily have continued support him.
Did he do so?

Posted by: Noel at Aug 1, 2007 4:29:46 AM

A stamp on his passport at the very least!

Posted by: jon, Melbourne at Aug 7, 2007 7:26:33 AM

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