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April 21, 2008
Following the 2008 Tour de Georgia from your desktop
Haedo's a favorite on Monday
Originally uploaded by Frank Steele.
The primary online resource I'll be tracking is the Tour de Georgia Live Tracker, created by Adobe, which looks like it will incorporate the VeloNews live text feed, and adds a chat room feature beyond its basic leader, breakaway and course-tracking.
Some video is likely to be available on the Live Tracker, and US viewers can also watch the race live on WCSN.com.
It's still worth checking in at the VeloNews live ticker, as they're likely to splice in photos from the course as things develop. CyclingNews should also have their Live Ticker running.
I'll be posting commentary as stages develop on Twitter, at twitter.com/TdFblog/. Ken Conley will also be Twittering and photographing from the course.
I'll be aggregating anything I find interesting at my Tour de Georgia weblog. If you're photographing the race and using Flickr, please tag your photos “tourdegeorgia” (and please
Posted by Frank Steele on April 21, 2008 in Tour de Georgia | Permalink
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